New Product Ideas

2. Background and Description of the Idea
- What problem is the Customer facing?
- Why is a new solution needed?
- What are the key requirements?
4. Equipment or Asset Type
- Please provide details of equipment, including material type:
5. Market Potential
- What is the impact/ likely benefit of the idea?
- Will it provide regional, national, or global business?
6. Typical Application Size/ Value of Each Opportunity
e.g., A small repair or large volume coating application
- Please provide the typical amount (weight/volume) of product required per application.
- Is this a single application or an opportunity for repeat sales?
7. Existing/Available Solutions
- What is currently used and what are the drawbacks of the existing solutions?
Please consider competitor products, traditional solutions, and alternative systems
8. Price Point
Target cost and any limitations on pricing
9. Could an Existing Belzona Product/ System Be Used?
If so, why is it not suitable?
11. Any Additional Information
e.g., Links to sources of information (websites, etc.)