Repeat Sales Success Opportunity

We want to gather as much information from you about the Repeat Sales Success Opportunity you would like to share with the network. During the submission, you will be asked to respond to the following prompts...

  • Tell us about the repeat opportunity
  • Tell us about the Customer(s)/ the market
  • Tell us about the solution (why Belzona?)
  • Potential/ size of the opportunity
  • Tips for other Distributors

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed and you may be contacted to provide additional information. It is important that submissions meet a minimum standard for us to be able to consider your application.
1. Tell us about the repeat opportunity
- What is the opportunity?
- How do you market this application: with existing Customer or with new Customers?
-What is your sale approach?
2. Tell us about the Customer(s)/ the market

- If your success is about a specific Customer, provide a brief overview of the Customer(s), their operations, and the type of plant/ facility they are operating.,

- If your success is about a specific opportunity, application, or industry, please provide a brief overview of the market potential
3. Tell us about the Customer(s)/ the market

- Why has the Customer chosen Belzona and what was the process of specifying the Belzona solution?

- Why is the application a good solution for your Customers?

- Which Belzona products/ systems were specified and also, describe any benefits of the Belzona package (product and application) that helped acquire the job (e.g. product characteristics, downtime saving, previous applications carried out for the same Customer, etc.).
4. Potential/ size of the opportunity

- How much business have you generated over the last 2 - 3 years by selling this application to Customers in your region?
Please provide as much detail as possible, including number of applications, approximate sales revenue generated, kilos/liters of product sold, etc.
- How many of your Sales Engineers have sold or are selling, this solution? One or several?
- What is the average order value for this application?
- How many quotes did you submit for this application last year?
How many of those quotes resulted in a sale?
5. Potential/ size of the opportunity

- Do you expect further work or possible work as a result of this application in the future?

- What other industries could this solution be useful for?

6. How did you sell this solution?

-Did you use any marketing materials or strategies, sales force effort, etc.?
7. Tips for other Distributors
Any lessons learned over the years that other Distributors should know about when targeting these types of opportunities?
8. Know How In Action/ LinkedIn post
- Have you already created a KHIA? If yes, please provide the link.
- Have you already created a LinkedIn post? If yes, please provide the link.
9. Supporting images/ documentation

Please provide images, documents, or drawings in a Zip folder to support your submission

Before you go, here is your opportunity to nominate

If you know of a Distributor in the network who has been successful at selling a repeat day-to-day sales opportunity and you want to know more, feel free to provide their name and the application below. Belzona will contact them and ask them to create a submission.

Thanks for taking the time to submit your Sales Success.

We will be in touch once the panel has reviewed your submission.